Honey Production for Business

As the general public gains more understanding of the importance of sustainable food and environments, hotels and visitor attractions are under pressure to meet that demand. By educating and inspiring your clients and guests to learn more about why your honey has higher value, and giving them enjoyable educational experiences, you are able to provide a unique service to make your establishment stand out amongst competitors. With production of your own honey, you enable your chefs to work with your landscape departments to produce seasonal single variety honeys, unique to your own location.

Are you looking for exciting new activities for your guests, with or without your own beehives?

Do you wish you had access to your own quality honey and hive products for restaurants, spa treatments and gift shops?

Do you want to do more with your business to make a real difference to your environment, by providing food for bees, who will in return provide a valuable educational entertainment for your clients?

Do you want to provide more homes for the wild bee species around your location?

Paula works with hotels and visitor attractions assisting in creating a sustainable honey production facility whilst also looking at the wider picture, creating visitor and guest attractions that compliment keeping bees in a Naturopathic way.

Her course takes you through all the stages required from choosing which bee hives, where to place them and whether or not you need a fully equipped honey production and bottling kitchen. Looking at each individual business, Paula is able to advise on the various opportunities for visitor and guest 'Bee experiences', from observing colonies from a distance to close hive inspections and bee workshops. Integrating with the management of the business landscape and garden teams, Paula can provide instructions on how to complete a fully integrated bee plan educating your guests on the importance of bees in the environment, how you are helping them, as well as steps they can take away with them to improve their own environment. Training manuals on hosting bee Safaris, working with chefs and visitor attraction staff to ensure that your 'Saving the bees' and sustainable honey message is reaching the desired customer profile, as well as improving the bottom line!

On completing this course, you will come away with an action plan and strategy to enable confident implementation of the right bee plan for your own business and environment.

Paula has experience working with hotels and businesses around the world and is aware of what is necessary.